Friday, 29 January 2016

Final Music Video

Here is my final music video.

Final Magazine Advert

This is my final edit on the poster for the music video I have created. I have not changed many features from the draft edit however I tried every feedback point I recieved to change about the draft edit. This feedback helped to make my magazine advert better and of a more high quality.
I have enhanced the image on the magazine advert to make her more noticable and drawn to the front. This is effective as it will make the audience notice the poster and recognise it as a magazine advert. Also, I have blanded the image more around the outside to make it merge into the background slightly more as it was very ridgid against the dark background. I believe this has given the image a softer effect as it does not look very sharp. 
From my feedback, I also gained the ideas to change the text placement. In my previous

Final Digipak

This is my final digipak that I have created by using the feedback I recieved from my first draft digipak.
Here I have changed the back cover of the digipak to make it include more information about the album which would generally be on digipak's being sold. I have included logo's from the internet to add a barcode which is necessary on a digipak as it would have to be scanned to be bought in a shop. Also, I added logo's from social media sites which will advertise and give more information about the digipak. I used the facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube, soundcloud and spotify. Finally, I added information about the distribution and credits to people which is seen on most digipaks.I believe that these images I included make my digipak look more realistic and relatable to digipaks I have analysed. Also on my feedback, I recieved the suggestion to make the text on the back cover slightly smaller to give more room on the back cover for the other images added. I believe that this feedback has helped me to make my digipak more realistic and eyecatching.

I also recieved feeback to change the top right image by possibly making it black and white. I tried this effect on my digipak and I do not believe that it made my digipak look better as the effect made the image look out of place from the complete digipak.